What does Acelepryn do and how does it work?
Acelepryn is a systemic insecticide that’s commonly used on lawns to control a variety of pests, particularly those that damage turfgrass. Its active ingredient, chlorantraniliprole, targets the larvae of insects like grubs, which are known to damage lawns by feeding on the roots. Here's how it affects your lawn:
1. Controls Grubs and Other Soil-Dwelling Pests: Acelepryn is effective against pests like beetle larvae, white grubs, armyworks, sod webworm and other soil-dwelling insects. By targeting the larval stage of these pests, it prevents them from maturing and feeding on your grass roots.
2. Less Harmful to Beneficial Insects: Unlike some other insecticides, Acelepryn is considered safer for beneficial insects, such as pollinators (bees), earthworms, and other non-target species. This makes it a more environmentally-friendly option for pest control.
3. Long-Lasting Protection: It provides long-term protection against pests, often up to 6 months, depending on the pest pressure and environmental conditions. This means fewer applications are needed throughout the growing season.
4. Minimal Turf Damage: Since it targets pests in the soil and doesn't harm the grass itself, Acelepryn helps maintain the health of your turf while protecting it from pest damage.
How does it work?
Acelepryn is a systemic insecticide that is used primarily for turfgrass and ornamental plants. Its active ingredient is chlorantraniliprole, which works by targeting the insect’s ryanodine receptors, essential for muscle function. When insects ingest or come into contact with the chemical, it disrupts the normal functioning of their muscles, causing paralysis and eventual death.
In summary, Acelepryn is a great tool for protecting your lawn from damaging pests like grubs while being safer for beneficial insects. For more information click on the products below.