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Billy Goat Lawns

Bow and Arrow Herbicide + Wetter 600 Surfactant

Bow and Arrow Herbicide + Wetter 600 Surfactant

Regular price $81.45
Regular price Sale price $81.45
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Bow and Arrow + Wetter600 Surfactant

Ideal combination of herbicide + surfactant to enhance the herbicides effectiveness by helping it to stick to the weed.


Bow & Arrow Herbicide

Key Features

  • Control of broadleaf weeds in turf
  • High level of efficacy
  • Superior turf safety (cool and warm season grasses)
  • A mix of active ingredients for improved resistance management
  • No odour
  • Additional surfactants not required

Target Weeds

White Clover (Trifolium repens)Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula)Cat’s ear (Hypochoeris radicata)Bindii (Jo-Jo, Onehunga) (Soliva sessilis)Cudweed (Gnaphalium spp.)Creeping oxalis (Oxalis corniculata)

Safe to apply on KikuyuCarpet grass and Queensland Blue Couch. Varietal differences in certain Buffalo grasses (e.g. ST85) may produce more pronounced effects and it is recommended that small areas be tested for turf safety before large-scale application occurs. An high Iron product will help to restore colour (Liquid Iron Fertiliser)

Bow & Arrow Herbicide provides excellent broadleaf weed control in turf with a formulation containing the active ingredients, MCPA as potassium salt, clopyralid as potassium salt and diflufenican. It is used at an application rate of 50ml per 100m2.

Current broadleaf turf herbicides tend to cause rapid desiccation of weed leaves and shoots. Recovery may then occur from the significant root systems and/or other underground components of the weed. The effect of Bow & Arrow Herbicide is slower than other broadleaf herbicides, but the ultimate result is more effective, with no evidence of regrowth.

This unique three-way mixture provides extended weed control (season-long) in most situations.

Application Rate

  • 50 ml of Bow & Arrow in 5L of water per 100 square metres (with pressure sprayer)


Wetter600 Surfactant

KEY Features:

  • Reactor Wetter 600 Surfactant is a spray additive designed for use with fungicides, insecticides and herbicides
  • Reactor Wetter 600 is used to increase the activity of pesticides and to increase the spray droplet coverage for waxy leafed plants which are normally hard to wet
  • ReactorWetter 600 increases the activity and efficiency of herbicides. It increases wetting and improves spray coverage. 
  • Reactor Wetter 600 can be used with alkaline sprays and mixes easily with all types of water
  • Reactor Wetter 600 is registered for use as a spreader spray (refer to directions) & wetting agent (use as directed)

Application Rate

  • 2mL per 15L knapsack
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